Erland Studios Emergency Procedure Handbook

Document id: 2. Author: Erland. Released: 01:26 (am) 2023-08-04 UTC. Updated: 01:26 (am) 2023-08-04 UTC.

Extention of file id 1

Situation Procedure
Something is wrong with lights/the sun §5-s
Something is wrong with time/clock §5-t

This document is WIP and should not be considered accurate

Section 1: General emergencies

1-1: Evacuation

  1. An emergency is detected
  2. Fire announcement: "Attention. Attention. A fire has been detected in your building. Please, evacuate calmly. Staff should leave rooms last and check for remaining occupants."

Section 2: Announcements while live

2-1: A general emergency affecting a large area

  1. The stream should be immediately put on standby
  2. All activity should be stopped
  3. If it is dangerous to continue streaming, stop.
  4. Change scene to be simple background
  5. Inform viewers of what is happening

2-2: A important person has died

Note: Important person does not need to be defined

  1. The stream should be immediately put on standby
  2. All activity should be stopped
  3. Change to serious clothing
  4. Change scene to be simple background
  5. Announce the death
  6. A minute of silence

Section 5: Special Cases

5-s: Something wrong with lights

Notes: This section is written on the premise that only light from the sun has weird properties.

  1. Check clocks, Are they in sync? is it daytime?
  2. Cover windows using blinds, tape, fabrics
  3. Get emergency supply, especially

5-t: Something wrong with time/clock

  1. If there is more than 2 clocks, sync 2 of them. Otherwise don't follow these instructions.
  2. Wait until the minute changes and start tapping a surface, counting to 60
  3. If the minute doesn't change in a reasonable time, something is wrong. Good luck!